Pools to a Museum

Tuesday 8th February 

Our Travel Map Today - Miles = 4.8 miles Locks = 6 Travel Time = 3 hours

Last night we moored up at the top of the Oldbury Lock flight after visiting Titford Pools.

Another sunny day (so lucky for this time of the year) and despite it being a little chilly we had a glow about us as TODAY we were on a mission… More about that later 😊.

First though we needed to pick up Our Plaque from the Engine House if Phil was in…these are typically brass plaques that some boaters collect to commemorate parts of the canal network they have cruised.

This is where we meet Phil & Phil, who simply just radiated enthusiasm and passion, after presenting us with a plaque they keenly showed us around, explaining the history and what goes on today, (weekly meetings and regular rallies).

It even has a flat on the top floor which is currently being occupied by a gentleman

Picture of Titford Engine House

We are often asked if we would go back to bricks and mortar. On every occasion the answer is simple…. NO…. but if we had to… this could be a serious contender. Of course after we have explained to the existing tenant why he must leave and why the aluminium factory near by needs to reduce its working hours. Weekdays between midday and 2pm would be brilliant as this is the time when Jeremy Vine is on radio2 and the noise from the factory would be an improvement.

Titford Engine House and the Top Lock

The Titford Engine House is a grade II listed building that nestles between the Tat Bank Branch (now closed) and the Titford Canal at the top of the locks. This last surviving recirculatory engine house was originally built to house a Boulton and Watt engine that pumped water back up the locks. A second engine installed in the 1860s and now an electric pump takes water from below lock 6, out to the grills just by the junction between the Tat Bank canal. The building is now the headquarters of the Birmingham Canal Navigation Society (BCN). If you have an keen eye when you’re passing between locks 1 and 2 you might just spot one of the old pumps.

Today’s Mission

Another frequent question we get asked is “isn’t your boat cold in the winter ?”, some are because some people like the cold🤔. We like it typically tropical 😎🌴, Paul is like his daughter, THE HOTTER THE BETTER, (two little sun worshippers, must be in their DNA 😊). But that has absolutely nothing to do with our cruise today, just idle rambling. The prime reason for our travels today is to help our traveling companions keep their peas frozen 🥶, yes the captain is well known for his parsimoniousness, trained by the late, great Scrooge some say… but not me as we think he is generous to a fault..  Apparently they have been saving for some time for a 12 volt fridge, they have found a supplier (at a bargain price) and their business is within walking distance from the canal.  Now if we could help them carry it down the towpath to the eagerly awaiting Lady, he won’t be charged for delivery.

What about the OLD FRIDGE” I hear you say… “will it be dumped it in the canal ???” 🤬.

No is the easy answer, the Captain spotted a friendly CRT man with a lorry, following a quick conversation, Steph and Paul were carrying the OLD Fridge for 2 miles (not really more like 200 yards), down the towpath to the very nice man in a van…

Carrying the OLD Fridge

So this is the plan but first there is a matter of 6 locks…

The Captain & The Lady sped off like there was no tomorrow, I think the new system the captain had devised to speed up tackling Locks was working, as we two young whipper snappers couldn’t keep up..  😔😤

Traveling down the Titford locks

We soon spotted them as we rounded the bend, The Captain had been sent off to conclude final arrangements and see if they would reduce the price for early delivery, while The Lady held onto the boat awaiting for her BRAND new kitchen appliance.

Narrowboat Sefton

We were almost as excited as the NB Sefton crew, so while Steph held onto the mooring rope, Paul jumped off NB Hang Loose to see if he could help with lifting or final negotiation.

He was not required for either. 😥.

Once the fridge was safely onboard we were told to proceed to the next available winding hole and make a U-TURN, as time was getting on and we still had to get to our final destination. THE BLACK COUNTRY MUSEUM.

Once winded, we saw Sefton making good progress coming towards us. I think spirits were high on both boats as Sefton had ownership of a State of the Art Fridge and we were looking forward to seeing yet another brand new mooring (for us anyway)…

As dusk crept up on us we cruised over The Netherton Tunnel Branch Canal and cruised on  before a sharp left turn, onto Dudley No1 Canal, along a narrow section and moored up, rather precariously for the first night as the basin was full.

The next day it wasn’t long before we found what we were looking for. The Museum, The Tunnel or even The Zoo…. NO it was more pubs 😊

Paul & Chantelle in the Fountain Pub

The Fountain pub in Tipton is a great little pub and we had a lovely evening in there chatting to the locals when Chan came to join us for the evening. The evening was finished off with some gorgeous fish and chips from the chippy just over the road from the pub - battered chips!! Never had them before but they were amazing!

Saturday night we went to Mad O’Rourke’s Pie Factory- this is pub is renowned for its Desperate Dan Cow Pies!! They are huge - and it has pastry horns! If you eat the lot you get a certificate! We didn’t try - but the pies that we had were delicious and the Lumphammer Ale is good too!

The intention was only to stop here a couple of nights BUT then came STORM Dudley & STORM Eunice….. But that’s for the next intriguing blog…😉.


Dreamers and Drifters


Birmingham To Titford Pools