Salerno-Cilento Coast-Italy

16th July 2018

 We really are having the best holiday - everywhere we've been has been amazing.  The Cilento Coast is beautiful - and it's so un-touristy!  There's so much to see - you could spend weeks here!  Anyway, today we went to Salerno to swap our hire car and got a lovely new improved model - so Paul is happy!

 We strolled around Salerno trying to find the Duomo di Salerno - I think we'd walked past it once already lol - this is a lovely church and worth a visit if you're in Salerno.

But the most amazing part was the crypt - I've never seen anything like it - so beautiful and ornate

 It's 1 Euro to go down to the crypt and so worth it.

 We then decided to walk up to the Castello di Arechi - it is a steep, long walk up ALOT of steps - so if you're not a big walker or don't like too many steps I'd suggest you get the bus up there instead - it was hard - amazing views though!

 Unfortunately it was about 5.30 (something like that) when we got up to the Castle and it had just closed!!!! Luckily we could still have a wander around.

And then, of course, we had to walk all the way back down - we decided to walk back down the road instead of all the steps - but it wasn't a great walk down - it was a very windy road - no pavement - and we had to walk past 2 very big wild dogs (more like wolves!) very scary.

Well the sun is definitely over the yard arm now.  As always in Italy we were well looked after, lots of snacks bought out to us and we just sat and watched the world go by for a little while.  In the evening we drove into Agropoli for a meal - another perfect day!

 And back to Casale Giancesare - our beautiful home while here in Italy - and a nightcap on the veranda - cheers Jonny - you are looking after us so well…


Pompeii and Herculaneum


Water Street-Campagna-Italy