Venice Day 1 - "Hello Venice"

Day 1 of our holiday - we will stay in Venice for 3 nights, then get a train to Naples where we pick up a hire car and drive to the Cilento Coast.  I'm going to blog about each day separately - otherwise it would be one VERY long blog!

We arrived at Treviso Airport in the evening and purchased a ticket in the Airport for the AVTO Bus to take us to Piazzale Roma in Venice - you can also purchase a ticket as soon as you exit the airport - 12 euros each, and the bus was there waiting as soon as we exited the airport.  On arriving at the Piazzale Roma we walked to our hotel - didn't take long - but there are a lot of steps to carry your suitcases up and down (well, in my case - for my lovely husband to carry up and down!).  We are amazed by Venice already - I was literally saying "wow" every time we turned a corner - I can't wait to explore.

Hotel room in Venice

Our hotel is Ca San Polo in the centre of Venice in the San Polo district - it's lovely, very quaint and the guy that welcomed us was lovely and really helpful, showing us places go on the map and recommended a nice restaurant nearby.  We arrived  in the evening so literally unpacked really quickly and headed straight out - luckily the restaurant was close as it was absolutely throwing it down.


The restaurant was called La Patatina and it was fabulous - the food was gorgeous, service was amazing and really friendly.

Man standing outside a restaurant in Venice

We both had baked sea bass and veg then for dessert I had Tiramisu, which was absolutely delicious.  Paul had Chocolate Pudding, which he assures me was also amazing, all accompanied by a lovely bottle of white and finished off with a delicious glass of limoncello.


Man sat in a restaurant in Venice

We had a lovely evening at this restaurant - brilliant first night in Venice, chatted to a lovely couple on the next table and Paul was happy as the guy told him of a pub not far away that would have the football on a big screen - so that's Wednesday evening sorted - watching England play football!


Venice Day 2 "First Full Day"


Road Trip to Valencia